Free Meet Up and Free Workshop

Sabtu kemarin, gw ditemenin Yuki ngadain FREE WORKSHOP HS bagaimana cara memukau wanita and ended pretty well. Meskipun gw dateng agak terlambat (maap, guys) karena kemacetan lalu lintas yang keterlaluan hebatnya, tapi semangat para peserta tetep gak hilang. Thanks to Yuki yang udah fill kekosongan itu dengan sesi Tanya Jawab Unlimited (Para peserta jadi bisa dapet ilmu lebih khan? =D).

So, buat yang ingin ikutan FREE WORKSHOP, masih tersisa 60 kursi lagi buat kelas Jet, Kei dan Lex. Buruan daftar, jangan ketinggalan.

Oke, next news…

Buat temen-temen di sini, nama Tukang Pukul Bandung pasti udah gak asing lagi. Dari blog, artikel sampe videonya, Tukang Pukul Bandung alias TPB sering tampil.

Kali ini TPB berbaik hati untuk mengadakan FREE Meet Up tanggal 10 Oktober 2010.
Lokasinya of course di Bandung.

Yang pada punya acara kondangan, secara itu tanggal cantik 10-10-10, masih tetep bisa meet up kok šŸ™‚

So, tunggu apalagi, kunjungin aja langsung TKPnya di sini.

Nah yang paling bikin excited adalah HSMS. Kita bakal keliling Jawa buat mengunjungi you guys!
Buat kota lain sabar ya.. Kita pasti samperin kok one day.

Gak sampe sebulan lagi, marathon HSMS 2010 bakal di mulai!
So, jangan sampai ketinggalan, jangan sampai kehabisan kursi!

PS: Mau diskon HSMS up to 200K? ikutan aja FREE WORKSHOP-nya šŸ™‚ udah dapet FREE material, dapet diskon pula..

dasar HS!!


-Kis Uriel

SPG dan kejutan lainnya

Kalau ada yang menyangka SPG pada judul di atas adalah Sales Promotion Girl atau Cewek yang suka ada di pameran, kalian salah besar. Baca post ini sampai selesai, baru kalian akan mengerti maksudnya.

Sudah lama gw gak muncul di blog ini, Gak tau kenapa setiap kali saya muncul disini rasanya gw ingin menceritakan berbagai kejutan yang akan terjadi. Salah satu kejutan yang baru gw terima kemarin adalah Yuki Starr bought me a new-cool-elegant Watch for my birthday present walaupun hari ulang tahun gw udah lewat lama banget (jadi bagi yang mau mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun di comment. Hari ulang tahun saya sudah lewat. Bagi yang sudah pernah ketemu sama Yuki Starr pasti mengerti apa artinya cool. Namun bagi gw walaupun dia cuek dan cold terkadang (hahhahaa). Dia adalah orang yang bisa menyampurkan Coolness nya dengan hangatnya canda tawa and He is my Big Bro.

Okay mari kita lanjutkan kepada kejutan untuk kalian..


1.Ā  Kami sudah menyiapkan HSMS ke berbagai kota seperti permintaan kebanyakan orang yang selalu memenuhi email kami. Kami mengabulkannya dengan mengadakan seminar di 6 KOTA dengan nilai investasi yang SANGAT TERJANGKAU namun hal buruknya adalah jumlah kursi dalam seminar tersebut SANGAT TERBATAS. Jadi bagi yang merasa tinggal di kota tersebut. Segeralah mendaftar di HSMS kota kalian. Karena kami mengharapkan seminar di tiap kota akan menjadi seminar yang meriah untuk kami maupun kalian. Jangan biarkan air susu yang ada TERBALASKAN dengan air tuba. Cek jadwal di sini

2.Ā  Saya sedang merancang kelas SPG (Sinsā€™ Power Game) Class hasil penelitian dan perjalanan gw selama 2 tahun, Perjalanan yang gw dan Kis sebut sebagai JALAN DARAH / BLOOD PATH. Filsafat hidup, Pembentukan diri, Pengetahuan, Pengembangan mental, dan pattern yang gw lakukan. Hasil jatuh bangun itu gw rangkum menjadi hal yang bisa diajarkan di kelas. Hal ā€“ hal apa saja yang membantu gw sampai gw menjadi seperti sekarang. Pengalaman ā€“ pengalaman apa saja yang sudah terjadi dalam hidup gw sehingga pemikiran gw menjadi seperti sekarang. Tentu saja gak lepas dari diskusi dan tukar pikiran dengan Jet-Kei-Lex. They are my Great Mentor and Brothers.

3.Ā  Kis juga tidak mau kalah dengan kelas KiSS (Kisā€™ Smooth Saying). kelas yang sudah sangat ditunggu oleh banyak para alumni kami yang ingin tahu bagaimana kis membuai para wanita dalam ceritanya. Para wanita itu bahkan jauh dari kata bosan ketika mendengar ceritanya. Kelas yang mengajarkan kalian bagaimana menjadi kreatif, lugas, menantang, menarik dan ditunggu para wanita. Tertarik? stay tuned šŸ™‚

4.Ā  Freebies! Workshop Gratis buat fans setia HS. Yep, GRATIS! JKL dan SKY akan membagikan enam materi PRAKTIS. Cek detailnya di sini.

Dan juga masih banyak kejutan lainnya yang gak bisa gw ceritakan sekarang.

Tunggulah kejutan tersebut dengan kejutan yang kami sudah sediakan sekarang.


Balas Dendam Itu Manis?

Balas Dendam Itu Manis

Apakah Anda pernah disakiti sedemikian rupa hingga sulit untuk melepaskan dan memaafkan? Apakah balas dendam akan membuat Anda merasa lebih baik? Apakah Anda penganut pola pikir “Dont get mad, get even!” ? Di tengah suasana bangsa yang sedang agak sensitif belakangan ini, saya ingin mengajak Anda untuk mengungkap berbagai kemanisan & ketidakmanisan dalam hal balas dendam. Continue reading

Pacaran Bisa Obati Kesepian?

Pacaran Bisa Obati Kesepian

Sebuah SMS masuk tadi malam, “Bro, makin parah aja, gue udah coba lakuin macem-macem tapi justru makin garing. Udah punya cewek sih, tapi dia jadi dingin. Gue balik lagi kesepian. Help please, gue mesti apa?” Saya tidak langsung membalas karena biasanya orang memang tidak perlu solusi. Berselang lima belas menit, masuk sebuah SMS lain, “Eh gue boring lagi nih, percuma aja pacaran kalo kesepian gini. Elo dimana, jalan yuk?” Dua buah SMS dari dua orang sahabat saya. Gilanya, mereka berdua adalah pasangan satu sama lain alias saling berpacaran! Continue reading

Rahasia Hubungan yang Langgeng dan Harmonis

Kedua orang tua saya telah menikah selama 30 tahun. Selama itu pula mereka selalu bersama setiap hari, mulai dari membuka mata di pagi hari hingga memejamkan mata di malam hari. Apalagi saya sudah keluar rumah dan pindah ke Jakarta tahun 1995 lalu adik saya menyusul pada tahun 2000, maka praktis semenjak itu mereka hanya berduaan saja tinggal di rumah. ā€œSeperti bulan madu lagi..ā€, begitu ibu saya selalu berkata.

Baca seluruhnya..

Mau Jago Deteksi Kebohongan?

Mau Jago Deteksi Kebohongan

Semenjak kemunculan tayangan Lie To Me di jaringan TV kabel FOX, saya menemukan banyak orang yang keranjingan meneliti gerak-gerik lawan bicaranya. Ya saya memang selalu merekomendasikan serial tersebut kepada seluruh sahabat, tapi karena itu adalah tontonan yang menarik, bukannya mendorong mereka jadi berlagak Detektif Anti-Dusta. Jadi jika ucapan verbal tidak selaras dengan ekspresi non-verbal yang menyertainya, maka bisa dicurigai ada unsur kebohongan dalam komunikasi tersebut. Permasalahannya, benarkah mengetahui tanda-tanda orang berbohong membuat Anda lebih mudah mendeteksi kebohongan? Continue reading

Senjata Terampuh Wanita Untuk Menaklukkan Pria ā€“ Part #2

Setelah saya membeberkan konsep wanita feminin di entri sebelumnya, kali ini saya akan memberikan beberapa panduan aplikatif cara menggunakan sifat feminin Anda dengan efektif. Mungkin Anda para wanita protes, mengapa harus mendengarkan kata-kata saya, seorang pria. Tapi justru karena saya pria maka saya tahu wanita seperti apa yang bisa membuat saya bertekuk lutut. Dan jelas saya juga mewakili para sobat pria yang lain.

Baca seluruhnya..

Senjata Terampuh Wanita Untuk Menaklukkan Pria ā€“ Part #1

Sudah lama sekali saya ingin menulis tentang hal ini, namun baru bisa kesampaian karena saya membutuhkan waktu cukup lama untuk menyusun tulisan ini agar pesannya dapat sampai dengan baik. Topik ini sangat penting buat saya pribadi dan terus terang membuat saya sedikit frustrasi, karena sepertinya sedikit sekali wanita yang mengerti hal ini.

Baca seluruhnya..

My Hectic Months

Sekitar sebulan yang lalu gw berkunjung ke Medan karena ada tugas dari kantor, makanya ga bisa ikut ngajar HSEW kmrn, dan di sana gw ngadain free meet-up dengan 5 good fellows. Kita ngobrol-ngobrol sekitar 2 jam seputar relationship, yep relationship.. topik yang sebentar lagi bakal nongol kelasnya šŸ™‚ dan basic personality building.

Yuki Simpang Raya

Yuki Simpang Raya

Long story short, 4 malam 3 hari gw di Medan, tapi gak sempet kemana-mana karena kerjaan gw begitu padat.. bangun jem 9, pulang jam 10. Tapi sempet curi-curi waktu dan berkeliling Medan di temenin supir yang cihuy. Dia memperkenalkan tempat-tempat bersejarah di Medan. Sampai akhirnya, gw lewat satu gedung yang bikin gw nyengir2 sendiri.. “Yuki Simpang Raya” namanya. Gw gak tau itu apaan, karena ga sempet ngapa-ngapain juga. Yang pasti, di Medan susah banget nyari Djarum Super!

Selang seminggu setelah itu, gw sama steady partner gw jalan-jalan ke Bandung. Bisa di bilang pre-honeymoon lah šŸ™‚ Kita sempet nyobain Blind Cafe, tempat lucu di mana kita harus makan di tempat yang ekstra gelap tanpa cahaya sedikitpun, yang katanya bakal meningkatkan indra perasa kita. Trus, guide nya juga tuna netra. Keren… Trus kampung gajah (tp uda tutup karena kemaleman) dan akhirnya ke Kampung Daun. Sumpah ni tempat cozy abis.. Great for following up! *recommended!* Dan sisanya shopping-shopping deh.

Di Bandung juga gw nongkrong sama anak-anak TPB, dan kita naik ke punclut.. Klo di Jakarta, kita punya Puncak, kalo di Bandung, ada Punclut hehe..

Well, 1 bulan belakangan ini bikin gw ga bisa napas… Dari tugas kantor ke Medan, Jalan-jalan ke Bandung, Nemenin salah satu alumni, Volt, buat install audio mobilnya dan kerjaan website yang super numpuk.. Tapi dari itu semua, gw hepi krn bisa bantu orang laen. Dan gw yakin ke depannya, gua bakal tambah disibukkan dengan super kejutan yang bakal diluncurin oleh HS.. doh..

Angelina YollieP.S. tambah sibuk lagi dengan bertambahnya asset di Kei’s Glossy Crib, yaitu a Beagle Pup, Nintendo Wii dan *soon* PS3 haha.. oh ada yang mo jual FF XIII seken? šŸ˜€

Yuki Starr

My Birthday Note

Journey_by_judazfxI wrote this on the second day of the 23rd year of my life. I thought that my 23rd birthday wouldnā€™t be complete If I didnā€™t write this. Maybe this note will show you a lil bit of my mellow side, please bear with me.

I live in this crazy era with a crazy brain, ever since I was born. I was a low self-esteemed, lossy person. My friends bullied me back then. I was a loser. And I just realized that I am 23 years old now and Iā€™m still alive and kickin, it makes me think that I have something and I want to thank for it

Maybe this is the first time any of you reading about me saying thanks to Something or Someone up there, who gives me a lot of blessings or even the smallest luck that I never realize, thank you..

Thanks to my parents that, even when they were having a hard time, they always tried to give me the best they could, to teach me about the world. Thanks to my dad who always works hard for me and my family, even when he is old enough to say, “I want to retire”. Thanks to my mom who always encourages me with her endless love. Dad and Mom I will keep my oath to make you happy and proud that I AM YOUR SON! Please wait a little bit longer for me.. Iā€™ m on my way. Yes.. Iā€™m on my way! Thank you!

For my older sister, I know that you have a lot of pressures from mom because you are the oldest one. But donā€™t take it personally, sis. You can share it with me. I know that you always try to protect me and lil sis. But now we are old enough to handle anything. So you can share it to me. Thanks for holding it for so long, and Iā€™m sorry for my childish behaviour back then. Thank you!

For my younger sister, hi sis. You are the cutest little sister anyone can have, it makes me want to protect you forever! Thanks for protecting me in front of Dad and Mom back then, when I still wanted to just go out and play, thanks for your effort. Thank you!

And for my twin brother, who has been lying sick at home since he was a cute baby, I know you canā€™t read this letter but I know you can feel it. Thanks bro for giving your life and freedom to me. For giving all your powers to me. For giving the happiness. For giving me the chance to live in this world while you are lying down so sick. Please donā€™t go just yet, Iā€™ll take care of you. Thanks for all the support and the warmest energy you send me every day. Thank you bro, I wonā€™t let you down. Thank you!

When I was in my high school, thanks to my friends Thamrin, Sandy, Karina, Fidelia, Anggita, Pocink, Swarlex, Mulyana, and my warmest (Becexā€™s) basketball team: Romy, Nico, Santo, Fen-Fen, Man Man, 0%, Didi, E-joe and of course Romyā€™s mother and father. And another Becexā€™s member that Iā€™ve forgotten (Iā€™m really sorry bout this) that had taught me a lot of things, encouraged me when I down, felt rejected and a donā€™t-know-anything boy. Thanks mates, you guys really mean a lot to me. You had taught me how to play basketball, taught me about friendship, cared for me when I was down and wanted to kill myself. I donā€™t know how to repay you guys, I am not far from you guys. I will go and search for something that, maybe, one day I can share it with u guys. Please wait for me to come back, hug you all, and say, “thanks a lot”. Thank you!

And to Fidelia Paramitha, the girl whom I had liked for 3 long years.. She was the one who gave me the challenge to become better academically. Thank you!

When I was on the first 2 years in my university, still thanks to Romy, Nico, Comenk, Pus, Ivan, Steve, Sendy, Elizabeth, Ike, Elvy, Dewi, and Vivi, that had put up with my nonsense. You guys really inspired me. Hendry (Enchet) that taught me a lot of things which is worth more than anything I can afford in this world. You guys are really meaningful for me, that had helped me a lot, made me learn something new that I couldnā€™t even imagine before. The knowledge you guys gave to me is very useful up until now. Thank you!
And when I stepped into the last of my 2nd year in my university, I met someone called David (Ice) that told me a lot of things about Hitman System. Every second of our conversation is my treasure up until now. Youā€™re the man that exploded my brain and made me start my journey. Thank you!

And when I learned about Hitman System, I found these 3 EXTRAORDINARY men that CHANGED my life completely. Gave me something that I had been searching for, to change my life. Something that I always needed, so now I can repay my friend whenever they need it too. You guys really awesome.

Lex with his knowledge, fatherness, and softness, protects me and teaches me about what happens to me, about everything that I need to change.

Kei with his calmness, and frontal, make me want to kill myself, and create a new me, so I can fulfill my duty as a Human, Son, Friend and A MAN.

Jet with his humorous conversations that melt the ice, and magic that he shows me. The man that show me his limitless spirit.

I canā€™t even describe what I felt that day. You guys are really something to me. Thank you!

And when I started to walk on my new path, I will never forget my friends who walked beside me: Eder, Max, Leon, Cygnus, and Kis, who always support me. Time runs so fast, it makes me unable to remember everything that happened. But you guys CARVED something in my heart. Thank you!

And when I tried to get my first job, still David (Ice) introduced me to Starbucks where I met Melissa, cute but rarely smile (and yeah her smile is beautiful..), Agnes whom I think of as my older sister, Hendry the open-minded man that felt like my older brother, and Dewi who was just like my mom there. Fitri, Iā€™ve always liked it when you smile, thanks for the knowledge that you shared with me so I can learn how to become a good barista. Beby, the small, cute girl with unique name. And the other baristas that I canā€™t write all the names here. Thank you guys for giving me a chance to know you guys, to learn what you guys have, and for teaching me and treating me like your small brother. Thank you!

And when Kis and Gate introduce me to their friends: Yadi, Pradit, Yudhis, Jenneh, Denny, KC, Bom-Bom, Owen, Onel, Chingkun, Jackson, Setiadi, Juniati, Irene, Acin, Bakom, and Tessa. You guys always brighten my day whenever we meet, even in my hardest times. Thanks for always being there for me. I know that most of the times I am stubborn, arrogant, and yeah.. playful, you guys are still there for me. And you guys have taught me a lot about other peopleā€™s condition. Thank you guys, for always being there for me. Thank you!
And when I hang out with Yuki and Kis..

Thanks a lot, my older brother, for your time accompanying me when I came to your house crying and feeling down. You always support me. ALWAYS DUDE. Always. Keep telling and reminding me that I am still an immature boy, and I need to learn more. You really try to cheer me up whenever I feel rejected by the whole world, when I go crazy, when I become F**kin retarded. For those great chats before we go to sleep, for the adventures together, for the laughters that we laugh together. Those mean a lot to me. You are the best big brother that I ever have, bro. Love you, bro. Really. Thank you!

Thanks a lot, my younger brother, for reminding me to keep in track when I go too far away. I learn a lot from you. And I am sorry if I always try to tell you about what could happen in your life, thatā€™s only because I want you to become success. I want you to become someone that the world will acknowledge. The knowledges that weā€™ve gained together, the adventures that weā€™ve had and will have, all the laughs and the cries through our brotherhood will stay, man. STAY. Thank you Kis..Thank you!

And when Jet, Kei, Lex and Cygnus asked me to become Hitman System instructor together with Kis and Yuki, that really fired me up. You guys gave me the chance to share my passions, the only guys that let me know that we can live to HELP OTHERS, to make a change in this world.

Lex tells me a lot of things, more than I can ask for. You are a friend, a father, a role-model that is perfect for me. I learned a lot from you. I adore you, man, for being so caring to a lot of people. The spirit you have on helping people is very strong that no one can imagine what you would sacrifice for it.

Kei, man, youā€™re the man with warmest hug, and the best friend for us. You never take our problems easy, you always try to understand us. Stay there for us. Please sacrifice your precious time to hear what we complain, man you are.. the living symbol of patience.

Jet when every time you come to our house it feels that the house fills with your laughters, your spirit and I want to hang out with you even more.

Big Brothers, maybe this is selfish but I want to say: please think about your life guys. You guys always try to save others while sacrificing too much for it. But somehow, I was one of the thousands of people that you guys have saved. You guys always say that I am an anomaly, but in my eyes, you guys ARE THE ANOMALY. Thanks. Iā€™m in your debt. Iā€™M IN YOUR DEBT, MEN. BIG DEBT. I still want to write a lot about you guys. But you know I canā€™t write a lot ..Hehehe.Thank you. Thank you!

And then my friend whoā€™ve stayed with me when we have the same problems: Zen and Dexter.
Zen, other people always say that Iā€™m energetic, but when I hear you share a story I know you are way more energetic than me. The pain, philosophy, laughters, and craziness, that we share together, they will always be in my life. Always, man.. Thank you!

Dexter, remembering all the madness that weā€™ve done together, all the talks, all the beers, all the f*ckin parties, all the sharings, I want to say thanks. Maybe Iā€™ve told you something hard, with high pitched voice, but all I want is you to become stronger. I know you have the same dream as me. We want to make our parents proud that they have us. So be it, bro.. Thanks, man. Thank you!

Thanks to Firmansyah, Iget, Suci, Kelik, Bambang, Lia, Anto, Yadi, Ujang for always supporting me at the office. The smiles, the memories, the happiness, the craziness, the support, and all the knowledge that youā€™ve given me will always be within me.Thank you.. Thank you!

To my warmest brother, Eder (Volt).. Man, you really have helped me a lot. You teach me a lot. You always tell other people that I inspire you, but NO, man.. You are the one that inspire me with your stories. The day you asked me to join you at the party, you promised to protect me. Thanks man, even now you still help and encourage me a lot. All the talk and support from you will never leave me.Thank you, man. Thank you!

To TPB (Galyn, Lambs, White, Green, and Diesel) thanks for always giving me a tour whenever Iā€™m in Bandung. You guys are the warmest group that Iā€™ve ever been in. For Green, you are the cute yet poetic friend that always gives me a shock, smile and laughter together. Thanks for all the adventures, the sharings that you guys have given up until now. Thank you. Thank you!

To my Guardians, Prasetya and Funiati, I want to make both of you proud that you have me in your team. Thanks for keeping me in track. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me. Thanks for your encouragement, thanks for you kindness, thanks for treating me as your own child. Thank you!

And of course, thanks to myself for all the blood and tears shed along this winding road. Thanks for the undying energy burning within, it’s time to raise up the standards! Thank you, me!

And for my ex-girlfriends..

Visia: Thanks for all the memories that you gave me as my 1st girlfriend. Thanks for the good and bad that happened between us. Hope that youā€™re happy. Thank you, Sia..

Rani Secti : Thanks beb, for the memories, the support, the cute smile, all the hugs and kisses from you that gave me happiness. Thank you for the sweet moments that we had together. Thank you, Ran..

Angel : Thanks Blu, for letting me feel your warm family, the smile from you, all the wake up calls, the understanding and attention, and all the efforts. You are a really cute girl. I know it was my fault and my immaturity for taking our relationship for granted. Iā€™m sorry.. and thank you for all the laughters, the romantic and cute memories that we had together. Thank you, Blu..

And for all the girls that have come into my life, gals.. all of you gave me a lot of new things to learn. The adventures, memories, smile, and sharings will always be by my side.

Piper (big Sister), Patricia, Natalia, Gladis, Vivi Octavia, Metha, Vey, Noni, Quincy, Inoy, Dewi, Fetty, Yumi, Tiffany, Nina, Imelda Wu, Gene, Yenny, Vivi, Thirza, Felice and the others (Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t recall all the names in this mellow condition).. Thank you!

And for my fellow students and brothers. I hope you guys will become stronger and stronger. We can become someone in this world. Face up the world and fight. We will be with you, brothers..
Thanks to all the friends that I havenā€™t mentioned. Each one of you has given a lot of things that are very precious to me.

And for all of these things, I can say that I am VERY LUCKY to have you guys in my life. Thanks.. Thanks.. Thanks for all the memories,the sweetness, the knowledge, the times. Everything you guys have given me..
Thank you guys.. Thank you!

And in the 23rd year of my life, I will keep walking with all the gifts from you guys. And I WILL SURVIVE. I AM PROUD THAT I HAVE YOU GUYS AS MY FRIENDS. And now itā€™s my turn to make you guys PROUD that you have me as your friend.

Mellow to the max!
Sins Aeschylus