Waktu lagi beres-beres kamar tadi pagi, ngerapihin koran and majalah yang bertebaran di sana-sini kayak kapal pecah, I came upon this article in newspaper tentang tragedi di sebuah acara musik underground Bandung.
Note the part I put box on, or click here for bigger version.
Incredible demonstration about state-control and reframing.
Waktu pertama kali baca berita itu, I just couldn’t believe what I was reading. I had to read it a couple of times to make sure I was reading it right. It was so out of this world and the parent’s ability to cope with the situation is legendary. Gue ngga bisa inget kapan terakhir kali pernah ngedenger such remark keluar dari seorang pihak yang mengalami musibah besar.