Why do pimples always annoyingly appear at the wrong place and the wrong time?
Itu yang muncul dalam kepala gue ketika kemarin Max ngajakin main bilyar sambil nemenin dia FU-in satu cewek yang dihit minggu sebelumnya. Eversince the last three years of intense focus and research on all these Hitman shits, gue lupa kalo gue sangat suka main bilyar and ngga pernah main lagi. Jadi ketika sekarang dapet ajakan, of course gue ngga bakalan nolak.
Di detik gue bilang iya, mendadak gue inget the stupid little red Lex yang baru aja muncul pagi harinya, tepat di ujung hidung gue.
“Oh great, this would make me so consciously-aware and risk my vibe the whole night,” pikir gue.
I know sbenernya jerawat tuh masalah biasa aja, totally not a big deal. Itu sebabnya ketika di perjalanan menuju pool site, gue akhirnya mutusin untuk cuek dan nyari asyiknya aja, even kalo perlu sampe bergaya norak dengan sengaja dan berlebihan, experimenting with crazy stuff supaya ngga terperangkap dalam frame taking myself so seriously. Alhasil, not only last night I was really loose at enjoying everything instead of being an insecure jackass, but it turned out that the jerawat malah sangat membantu dalam sistem navigasi pool game gue.
Gue ngga perlu repot micingin mata untuk nyari sudut tepat antara bola putih, bola target, dan kantong yang dituju. In fact, I don’t use my eyes at all. All I need to do is just to inline my little red Lex to the target ball and shoot. Ahahahaha!
Ngga ada satu pun posisi atau jarak bola yang ngga bisa gue giring dengan sukses ke kantong. Max, Ross, and Revo was trembling in fear and awe each time I pocketed the balls with my newly found magical power.
Kalo pake istilah rap, I was pimplin’ hot!
So ketika sampe rumah, glad that this whole pimple thing was over and a bit proud that I could endure myself successfully through it, tiba-tiba gue inget kalo besoknya, or hari Jumat dan Sabtu ini bakalan ada HSEW.
Come on, man, the timing just can’t be better!
So this is my prayer for tonite.
Oh Almighty Pimple God and Goddess, please let me channel your power again through little red Lex just like the night before so that I won’t suck at the workshop. If you help me to stay prime and focused in delivering the goods, I promise to release a training DVD set on The Pimple System.