Time for a sneak peek into one small part in my gloomy lossy past.
Terjadi kalo ngga salah empat or lima tahun yang lalu ketika gue purposedly membiarkan diri terjatuh dalam lembah ngarep yang frustating. What I meant by ‘purposedly’ is that at that time gue udah ngerti tentang bahayanya bermain dengan cewek inflasi, kemungkinan ilusi emotional connection yang muncul kalo mainin game secara Long-Distance via online, even gue juga ngerti dimana gue harus batasin minat dan investasi gue dalam komunikasi dengan si cewek target, but entah kenapa somehow gue tetep berusaha menyakinkan diri that this is different and it’s really going to work.
I’m sure a lot of guys can relate to that story.
Long story short, the relationship crashed before it had ever begun. Terribly annoyed and in pain, I made a lossy mellow song in only five minutes and spent the whole two weeks singing it like crazy in my desolate room with my broken five-strings guitar and a bleeding heart. Ahahahaha!
I never mention or tell about this song to the girl. Itu cuman memoriam yang gue buat sebagai reminder supaya ngga ngulang the stupid adventure ever again. And for the sake of desentisizing my self from that bad memory and have a good laugh about it, I present to you boys the Lossy Song below.
Besides, it’s a great song too, sayang simpen sendiri aja, hehehe…
So, from 1 – 10, how lossy was it?
Buat yang koneksi internet lemot, coba link streaming pake yang ini aja.