Decisions, decisions

Throughout life, human will always move from one decision to another. Some of them are easy to make, some are a little bit harder, while some others are extremely heavy and painful.

I dedicate today’s entry to all decisions we’ve ever made in our life, no matter how small or insignicant they are. I’m calling everyone reading this post now to spend a short time to really appreciate the time taken just to make one single decision, the nitty and gritty calculations involved in the process, the intensifying insecurity seconds before the deadline, and finally all the things that did or didn’t happen after a decision is made.

Since the beginning of Hitman System, we knew that it would be such a ride. Revolutions everytime, everyday in almost every way we can never imagine before. But we marched on. And here we are, a couple of days off before our birthday, standing proud, recollecting all of the success, joy, mishaps, and failure that affected us, profesionally and personally, eversince our decision to launch in 2006.

What about you…

What decision have you made regarding your daily life, your romantic adventure, your career choice, your education future, your family interaction, your identity, your social lifestyle, etc?

Despite the varying results, what MEANING do you attach to, and thus allowing, them to influence your pursuit for a better life now?

Who we are now are the sum of all decisions we have made in the past.

But who we will be in the future depends on what meanings we currently decide to put onto each past decision that has beautifully made us who we are now.

6 Responses to Decisions, decisions

  1. Keputusan saya adalah berhenti memutuskan. Hanya melakukan apa yang bisa saya lakukan. Glossy itu sebenarnya menurut kalian apa/gimana sih? Saya merasa, ujung-ujungnya balik ke spiritual..ikhtiar,ikhlas n syukur.

  2. I think who we will be in the future depends more on “decisions we make at present” rather than on “our decisions in the past”

    @ Ms. Piper
    Sorri, tp kdng2 pake bhs Inggris emang lbh bgs :p

  3. keputusan yang paling berarti ketika gue tobat jadi cowok lossy dan mulai menapaki jalan glossy, hal itu terjadi 6 bulan lalu setelah gue baca artikel HS “kenapa cewek sering tertarik pada cowok yang salah”.”anjrit” adalah respon gue yang pertama setelah baca tu arikel, gue merasa tertampar, terpukul, terinjak, dsb (yah, enggak gitu kali sih).dan akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk menjadi glossy. end of comment.

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