Saengil chukha hamnida!

That was the SMS Jeon Ji-Hyun sent me this morning.

NGAREP, ahahaha… So yeah, it’s my birthday today and I couldn’t stop counting all the blessings I’ve received especially since the previous year. More stability, more dreams fulfilled, more crazy experiences, more newly found wisdom, more occupational surprises, and the best part is, more great friends.

Learning and growing can never be this fun without two of my best comrades, Kei and Jet, and our beloved partners as well, Piper, Lydia, and Felice. The Hitman System & G-spot fellas, you areΓ‚ fuckin awesome. Love to have and see you guys with the same passion in this journey to romantic excellence. Thank you.

As my present to you all, check out the limited-time offer here. Being one of my most proudest creations I’ve been keeping to myself all these years, I’m sure you’ll find it useful and additionally entertaining for your own gaming skills.

More power to us all!

27 Responses to Saengil chukha hamnida!

  1. apakah di hitman system ini bisa tanya2 tentang cw?
    saya udah ikut hitman lama, tapi belum tau car untuk ke forum tanya jawab teman2 hitman yang sudah berpengalaman. please, help me. thanks b4

  2. Happy bday brO.. diberkatin Tuhan selalu. makin subur, makin ganteng dan makin2 yg laen^^

    gw setuju banget ama komen2 di atas, Thx bgt gw kenal yg namanya HITMaN dari kalian ber 3, efeknya bukan hanya di bagian romance aja tetapi yang gw rasain sampe ke cara gw bersosialiasi dengan banyak orang….

    Thx BRO!

  3. YO. bro happy birthday ya

    sbg cat : bahwa hidup lu dah banyak banget bawa dampak wat smua orang

    skali lagi happy birthday bro

    gw liat tindakan lu yng bagi-bagiin materi yang berharga and penting banget itu. justru dah ngejelasin banyak hal (kualitas keglossy-an maksudna)

    jarang banget orang bs kayak gitu

    happy birthday πŸ™‚


  4. wah gua telat… sorry lex, gua telat ngucapinnya… hapy bday bro..all the best for ur career… thx juga uda bikin kita smua nih anak hitman bis berdiri kaya gini skrg haha… itu smua ga akan bisa terwujud tanpa lo org ber 3 bro…thx a lot…

  5. Happy Birthday Lex. May GOD always bless you and other parts of HItmansystem. Specailly Thanks juga untuk niat lo ngebangun Hitmansystem karena gue gak tau deh gue lage ngapain sekarang or lage gimana tanpa workshop Hitmansystem gue 9 bulan yang lalu

  6. wah man, loe ulang taun neeh….ok dech met ultah ya man..semoga u bisa dapetin apa yang loe minta pas niup lilin di kue ulang taun loe…..
    o iya yang ke berapa nih lex?? yang pasti umur loe lebih tua dari terahir kita ketemuan di jogja kan…hehehehe

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